I am crushed by the christpunching finale. Yet I found myself tickled shortly thereafter and it momentarily distracted me from epic let down.
Point 2: A Condemnation
Cathy's Teeth Whitening Success is a scam. Let me reiterate that. It's a flim-flammin' con job. Allow me to articulate how I came to this conclusion (other than subcon lighting up the skeptical parts of my brain and allocating omega-level neural bandwidth to the task.)
I saw this ad for "Cathy's Teeth Whitening" and knew it was a scam, it had to be. All the symptoms were there but I wanted to put forth some proof positive. I glimpsed at the page in question for about 2.3 nanoseconds before noticing that 'Cathy' was from Charlotte. . .
Well dayum if that ain't where I live right now, hurka durka dur dur.
Geolocation is nothing new so I decided to run a little experiment to see if Cathy, by some coincidence, really was from my my current state and city of residence or if it was all part of the psychological trap.
If you're reading this post you can already infer the results. Here's a screen cap of the original page view from my home computer:
And when I checked out the exact same link from one of our computers (In a HIGHLY ANONYMOUS LOCATION) I got a slightly different result.
Apparently Cathy needs to be selling her secret of:
- Omnipresence
- Teleportation
Stop feeding these filthy parasites and they will go away and die. I'm looking at YOU middle america.
Hello, My name is Wilbur and I have been bashing Cathy's Teeth Whitening Success. Unfortunately they have made another website that looks exactly like it where they can moderate the comments. I still try. I hope to someday end their stupid advertisement. I still try...
Well theres a java script in the page info that lest you know that son... coulda figured that out without all that driving..
You forgot to mention that when you purchase these products for a "free trial" you are subscribing to a service that charges you $80 each if you don;t cancel before 30 days. One forum even said that phone number for one of them was disconnected so you couldn;t cancel. I read the terms and conditions on the site, but most people probably wouldn't...
Well, what do you know? She's also from Washington, NJ! I was stupid enough to try it without immediately figuring out it was a scam. I did cancel within the allotted time for the trial and I am still fighting with the companies about refunding my debit card because they charged me anyway. I do have an email trail that I will show to my bank where they confirmed the cancellations within the trial period time, so I doubt they will win. What a lot of hassle and aggravation, though!
Anonymous said: "Well theres a java script in the page info that lest you know that son... coulda figured that out without all that driving.."
Dude I would never drive to another state for something so pedestrian. I just logged into a friend's computer that happens to reside there to check it.
A basic rule of thumb: Nobody spends a fortune on Google ad space if they aren't going to make any money from it. So why would some hometown mom pay for Google ads to tell you how to get something for free?
If somebody offers you something for free and then asks for your credit card, it's a scam. Period. Just walk away from the keyboard.
On the other hand... please feel free to click that link every time you see it. You see, Cathy's Teeth gets charged every time somebody clicks the link, and I'm all in favor of taking money out of "her" pocket.
Yeah - it's a scam alright. I am pretty inexperienced with this stuff, but when my card declined and double checked the data I'd input and then they suggested I give them a different card I got suspicious. I called my card company and they had declined because they have them on their scam list! They are now monitoring my card transactions.
I was curious about the ad, and just reviewed the info to see how much they wanted from me. I hope people aren't making these people rich.. Because in this economy you should be holding on to your money and forget about your yellow teeth and just keep them from falling out.
everyone is commenting about where Cathy lives, I read she was in El Paso, TX where I live and when made a comment about it I no longer got emails.
hi my name is Sandra and I wrote the one before this one. Where the hell dose she live.
My name is Cathy Anselmo. I live in El Paso, TX and I want to tell you how I changed my teeth from being something I was ashamed of to being something I’m proud to show off. This teeth whitening trick changed my life and I hope it can change yours too. I’m not a dentist, doctor or medical expert, I’m just a mom who stumbled upon a special combination of two different products that work wonders when put together. This is my story.
Sandra, on the website Cathy; if she even exists, says she lives wherever you live... its a javascript that finds your location based on your ip address or something.
Also, if anyone is interested in trying to get your money back from this scam site I suggest you: 1. Go to (an actual free site). 2. Type around the middle of the homepage then on the following page click "more info". 3. Re-type the security message and hit enter. 4. Browse all the information on that page and find out who Cathy is. It might be a company that hosts websites, if this is the case you'll have to call them and scam cathy's number out of them.
I bet you a free trial of teeth whitening pro that she lives somewhere in California...
I sincerely hope that no one posting was actually taken in by this charlatan. If on the off chance that you were I would love to hear about it or what a nightmare the 'money back guarantee' proved to be.
The only way to let these people (I use the term loosely) know what you think is to post comments they have to read at their Cheyenne, Wyoming location. They post for a second or two, and then are removed.
This is just another credit-card scam by Phil Piccolo, aka Anthony Phillip. Check out for more info. Phil, if you're out there, you're a fat aging piece of shit.
It's interesting. The credit card processor for this scam company must be getting tired of all the reversals and cancellations. They usually get wise to it and stop processing for the fraudulent biller.
I believe false or deceptive advertising is illegal per the FTC. We should sick the Feds on these creeps.
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